Google Introduces updated rules for CBD ads

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For the longest time, our CBD clients were unable to run “CBD” ads. That’s because it’s a grey area with the FDA, and the tech giant decided to stay away from it. But now, it looks like Google plans to start serving ads for certain CBD products starting this month. A Google spokesman told The Wall Street Journal that the decision comes on the heels of a massive increase in interest for CBD products.

  • In 2021, the FDA reported that it expects the $4.6B CBD market to quadruple by 2026.

Previously, Google would only allow ads for Hemp Extract, but the new program, starting January 20th, will allow for the promotion of FDA-approved pharmaceuticals containing CBD. The ads will initially be restricted to people ages 18+ in California, Colorado, and Puerto Rico – and that’s a great start for some of our CBD clients.

The FDA has also recently announced that it’s currently reviewing regulations for foods and supplements that contain CBD, and that it plans to outline more details.