Hummingbird Update Makes Google More Human


Over the past month, some of you have been seeing some changes in Google’s search results to display much more relevant results. This is mainly due to the brand new algorithm Google has rolled out, known as “Hummingbird”, that has overhauled the old algorithm.  They actually released it before announcing it, and nobody notices; which … Read more – What Is Really Going Wrong?

At this point, you have probably heard about the massive glitches on the new Healthcare Marketplace website for the Affordable Care Act (AKA ObamaCare). The glitches have resulted in the website loading slowly (sometimes not loading at all), displaying inaccurate results for users, and not allowing new signups to be properly processed. These issues were … Read more

Technology Trends in Restaurants

Every day, companies and restaurants are moving their operations to The Cloud for a variety of reasons, and falling behind the competition here puts you at a huge disadvantage.  Managing your restaurant through web technologies is easier (and more valuable) today than it has ever been, and new solutions spring up on a daily basis. … Read more