Wakefield Alliance Against Violence (WAAV), is a community based volunteer organization, dedicated to creating a lifestyle free from violence in Wakefield by reaching out to the community, raising awareness, providing education resources, and support to families and individuals, with an emphasis on prevention.

client situation:
The WAAV website has a “Leave Site Now” button in the sidebar menu. This button is in place for victims to “hit” if their perpetrator happens to be present while they are on the site. If pushed, the button immediately redirects to another site.
the Problem waav faced:
Once pushed, the “Leave Site Now” button would redirect to google.com. This setup could be slightly dangerous for victims because if a perpetrator was present, they could hit the browser back button and see that the victim had been on the WAAV website. Knowing this, our team reconfigured the button so that it opens a new tab and redirects the original tab to “wipe out” the browsing history and prevent perpetrators from being able to hit the “back” button where they could see that the victim had been looking at the WAAV website.
how boston web group saved the day:
WAAV is on Boston Web Group’s standard monthly hosting and support plan. Our team took care of the updates to the “Leave Site Now” button with the hour of monthly support time that comes with this plan.
waav website with “leave site now button”